Board of Directors Positions
General Description
The President is an Artist member of the Executive Board and the chief executive officer of the Corporation and as such presides over all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors. The President manages the general and active business of the Corporation and sees that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect. The President can execute all contracts, agreements, and other obligations and instruments in the name of the Corporation and affix the Corporate seal thereto when authorized.
The President has the general supervision and direction over the other officers of the Corporation and sees that their duties are properly performed.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Chairs Board of Directors, Executive Board, and membership meetings.
- Coordinates the Corporation’s activities and programs in conjunction with the Board of Directors and others to foster the development of artistic skills, professionalism, and interaction with other members at various levels within the Corporation, all in an effort to enhance and elevate the level of water and aqueous media.
- In concert with the Directors, sets policies for the Corporation.
- Works closely with the Vice President and other Directors to maintain overall continuity and management of the organization.
- Recruits volunteers and delegates assignments to fulfill program needs.
- Along with Executive Board, appoints committee chairs and other individuals to fill any vacancies.
- Serves as Chair of the Signature-level jury process, overseeing all aspects of potential artist members, including implementing evaluation policy and standards.
- Selects a rotating jury of Signature-level members for the review panel, providing a thorough orientation of the selection standards, requirements, and process.
- Responsible for working with the treasurer to prepare year-end reports and budget development for the Corporation.
- Manages financial aspects of the corporation in the absence of the treasurer.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
The Vice President is an Officer of the Executive Board. As such, and as designated by the Board of Directors, has all the powers required to perform all the duties of the President in the President’s absence or disability, and performs such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Serves as the Chair of the Second Wednesday Team and is responsible for managing all aspects of the Second Wednesday meetings.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends Board and membership meetings and actively participates in the governance of the organization.
- Acts on behalf of the President in his/her absence to manage the daily operations of the Board of Directors, including but not limited to conducting meetings and making necessary Corporate and financial decisions.
- Acts as the Board Parliamentarian.
- Seeks topics of interest from the membership, selects presenters, determines the event schedule of the monthly Second Wednesday programs while considering the developmental needs of all levels of membership. Acts as the Chair of the Second Wednesday Team.
- Arranges for photographic record of Second Wednesday meetings.
- Investigates and recommends new strategies to the Board of Directors for promoting and strengthening the Corporation.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
The Treasurer is an Officer of the Executive Board who has custody of the funds and securities of the Corporation and keeps full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation. The Treasurer deposits all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is the Chair of the Membership Team.
The Treasurer coordinates all membership records and renewals and keeps an account of the registered membership in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends Board and membership meetings and actively participates in the governance of the Corporation.
- Receives and records all funds received from members including, but not limited to, dues, Second Wednesday receipts, and fees for exhibitions registrations, workshops, or other events.
- Receives and records all invoices, receipts for expenditures and reimbursements, writes checks, and disburses funds as required and directed by the Board of Directors.
- Manages the Corporate checkbook, deposits funds, and balances monthly statements.
- Creates and presents the Board of Directors written monthly reports detailing the financial activities and transactions of the Corporation, including net financial income/losses of Corporation shows, events, and workshops.
- Completes and files all necessary state and federal tax forms on behalf of the Corporation.
- Investigates and recommends financial strategies to the Board of Directors.
- Maintains all archival financial records.
- Sends out annual dues renewal notices, receives and documents dues payments, and issues new member ID cards annually.
- Receives membership inquiries and replies with current Corporation forms and information packets.
- Maintains a current electronic membership list.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
The Secretary is an Officer of the Board of Directors and assists in managing the daily and long-term operations of the Corporation through documented records of its meetings. The Secretary attends all Board of Directors and membership meetings. The Secretary acts as the clerk of the Corporation and records proceedings of such meetings, gives proper notice of meetings to members and Directors, and performs similar duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends and records accurate minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership.
- Provides electronic drafts of all Board of Director meeting minutes within 72 hours.
- Maintains archival and reference copies of meeting minutes (electronically and on paper).
- Maintains and updates the Corporation’s calendar of events and maintains archival copies of the annual calendars
- Holds one of two P.O. Box keys. Retrieves, opens, and disseminates all Corporate mail as appropriate.
- Oversees all correspondence of the Corporation.
- Participates in ongoing recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
The Communications Director is a member of the Board of Directors and oversees the communications of the Corporation to create a consistent message reflecting the goals and mission of DWS.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends Board and membership meetings and actively participates in the governance of the organization.
- Reviews and/or edits all materials for public dissemination.
- Develops and publishes the monthly newsletter.
- Develops brochures, programs, press releases, public service announcements, scripts for TV and radio appearances, as needed.
- Develops and places advertisements regarding DWS activities in local, regional and national publications, as appropriate.
- Develops working relationships with representatives of local media.
- Seeks opportunities to advertise DWS activities.
- Maintains records of all publicity materials and a hard copy file of past and present newsletters.
- Oversees and directs the Communications Team.
- Oversees production of photographs of all DWS events and maintenance of related resource files.
- Works in collaboration with the webmaster in managing all aspects of the Corporation’s website to ensure it is current and accurate.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
Serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Develops and manages the overall production of Associate member and Artist member open, judged, and juried exhibitions.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends Board and membership meetings and actively participates in the governance of the corporation.
- In conjunction with the Board, selects venues, establishes exhibition dates, negotiates fees and selects judge or juror for a minimum of three exhibitions annually.
- Serves as the Chair of the Exhibitions Team and is responsible for each DWS exhibition, overseeing and directing all activities in each phase of all exhibitions: Associate and Artist level, judged and juried.
- Maintains an exhibition committee of DWS volunteers, providing each with a standard orientation prior to assigning duties during an exhibition.
- As needed, develops new and/or updates standardized operating procedures for all phases (receiving, hanging and taking down/picking-up) of each exhibition.
- Ensures that DWS exhibition standards are maintained and uniformly applied to all entries in all exhibitions.
- Provides information regarding reception needs to Hospitality chair.
- Updates and edits the standard DWS prospectus tailoring the requirements to each specific exhibition.
- Provides the Communications Officer and Webmaster with necessary information for public and member publicity for each exhibition.
- Prepares exhibition participant lists for insertion into exhibition programs.
- Develops a printed program listing artists and awards for each exhibition.
- Develops, updates, replenishes, and makes available at each exhibition standard equipment required for the receiving, hanging, and dismantling phases of the exhibitions.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.
General Description
The Workshops Director is a member of the Board of Director who manages the workshop operations of the Corporation and serves as the Chair of the Workshops Team.
Specific Responsibilities and Duties
- Attends Board and membership meetings and actively participates in the governance of the Corporation.
- Investigates potential workshop instructors and topics to determine their suitability in meeting Corporation membership needs and presents findings to the Board.
- Investigates potential sites and, with approval of the Board, makes necessary arrangements for workshop locations.
- Upon Board approval, negotiates terms of workshop contracts, including dates, instructor fees, travel expenses, housing, and per diem rates as appropriate.
- Maintains lists of all workshop participants for each event, including instructor fees and other associated costs pertaining to each workshop.
- Seeks workshop evaluations from all participants, tallies the results and determines the feasibility of a repeat future workshop.
- Receives and records all funds received from members including, but not limited to, workshop registration fees and fees for similar educational events, and forwards the funds to the Treasurer.
- Complies with IRS requirements in obtaining and issuing the proper tax forms, including W-9's and 1099 and other similar forms.
- Oversees the set-up, special needs, and general operations of the workshops.
- Develops a publicity/advertising program according to the needs of each scheduled workshop.
- Participates in recruitment activities to increase membership levels.
- Assists with all Corporation activities and events.